News and updates

from the frontier in AI biomarkers

Upcoming events

London, UK

Biomarker and Companion Diagnostics Conference - Markets&Markets

Daniel Royston, pathology lead at Ground Truth Labs, to discuss AI-driven analysis of morphological biomarkers for trials in haemato-oncology.

Glasgow, UK

EMBT Annual Meeting

We are attenidng EBMT to learn more on the latest advancements in transplant and cell therapy.

Madrid, Spain

EHA 2024 Congress

Presenting our latest reseatrch at European Hematology Association Congress 2024

San Diego, USA

ASH Annual Meeting 2024

Presenting our latest research at American Society of Hematology 2024.


AI biomakers to transform oncology

AI biomarkers will transform oncology with new maps for tumor biology and breakthrough predictors for treatment response. We have the opportunity to improve outcomes for every cancer patient with AI-driven insights from digital pathology.

Alan Aberdeen headshot

Alan Aberdeen
